Grant Awards
How Does Rotary Fund Community Grants?
Funding for all charitable work done by the Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island is made possible from the proceeds of our annual Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale. Whether you donate items, volunteer, sponsor the event, or shop at the Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale, your support is important and appreciated. Together we are building a safer, healthier, and more vibrant community!
2025 Rotary Community Grant Awards
In 2025, the Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island awarded 34 grants to local organizations, for a total of $190,100.
The Island School – to purchase roughly 80 library books, featuring neurodiverse youth.
Kidzz Helping Kidzz – to fund hand trucks and storage bins.
Kids in Concert – to fund musical instruments.
Bainbridge Island Mountain Bike Club – to purchase five trainers.
Bainbridge Island Land Trust – to fund signage at two preserves.
Girls on the Run WestSound – to purchase two credit card devices to transact donations.
Bainbridge Island Historical Society – to purchase five computers and a high-capacity storage capability.
Ovation! Performing Arts – to purchase computer equipment.
Bainbridge Youth Services – to install two new front windows.
Kitsap Children’s Musical Theater – to purchase 12 walkie-talkies and a 20-foot storage unit.
Helpline House – to fund furniture for their Community Room.
Island Volunteer Caregivers – to fund two computers and signage.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District – to fund six new kayaks and special adaptive equipment for a new adaptive paddling program.
Vitalize Kitsap – to replace old carpeting with new plank laminate flooring.
Angels for Angels, on behalf of the Buy Nothing Project – to purchase two new laptops.
Kitsap Regional Library Program – to partially fund items for their Third Grader to the Library Program.
Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra – to purchase instruments and sheet music.
Bainbridge Island Parent-Teacher Organization – to fund emergency preparedness equipment and re-usable supplies for all island public schools.
EcoAdapt – to fund an art installation at Blakely Harbor Park to educate the public about the impact of sea-level change.
PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap – to partially fund a renovation project (sink, countertop, cabinets) at their Lynwood Center location.
Island Cooperative Preschool – to replace school fencing.
Boys & Girls Clubs of King County – to purchase four mobile storage cabinets at their Bainbridge location.
Peaceful Morning Farm – to fund a greenhouse.
Kitsap Community Foundation – to fund an AED device.
IslandWood – to fund 30 binoculars and 30 dipping nets.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation – to purchase furniture and books for the new Co-Lab Classrooms at Commodore Options School.
Bainbridge Island Lacrosse Association – to fund uniforms, field equipment and cage wheels.
Marge Williams Center – to fund interior painting and kitchenette furniture.
Battle Point Astronomical Association – to fund wayfinding and interpretive signage at the Observatory.
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center – to purchase a locking file cabinet, 16 chairs, and 3 laptop computers.
Port Gamble S’Klallam Foundation – to fund a shed and greenhouse equipment for Heronswood Garden.
Bainbridge Island School District No. 303 – to fund a portable PA system and items for a new Robotics Program for grades K-6 at Commodore Options School.
Bainbridge Island Parks & Trails Foundation – to fund restoration plantings at the Strawberry Hill Bike Park.
Bainbridge Island Senior/Community Center – to purchase new desktop and laptop computers.
2024 Rotary Community Grant Awards
In 2024, the Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island awarded 35 grants to local organizations, for a total of $215,822.
Amabile Choir: Portable risers for choral music performances.
Arts & Humanities Bainbridge: Partially fund the commission and installation of a permanent piece of art near Winslow Way.
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network: An emergency notification system in their existing facility.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Equipment for their Oral History Project.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: New mats for the Gymnastics Program.
Bainbridge Island Parks & Trails Foundation: Partial funding for the commission of a Welcome Pole and signage at the Sound to Olympic Trail.
Bainbridge Island Poet Laureate Program: A portable sound system and presentation equipment.
Bainbridge Island Rowing: Partial funding of a 5-person boat that can be converted for both sweep and sculling style rowing.
Bainbridge Island Senior Community Center: Tables, a coffee system and computer monitors.
Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra: String instruments for their lending program.
Bainbridge Prepares: Partial funding for a commercial drone for emergency response/disaster management.
Bainbridge Roller Hockey League: Goalie pads and face masks.
Bainbridge Youth Services: A new front door and exterior signage.
Boys & Girls Club: Two commercial grade tables for their Bainbridge location.
Good Play America: A canopy tent, an inflatable soccer target and other small equipment to use at youth soccer events.
Helpline House: A propane generator (transferable to the new building once completed).
Housing Resources Bainbridge: One new set of stairs at their Island Home complex.
IslandWood: Equipment and tools for their docent program.
Kitsap Black Student Union: A garment printer, tables and chairs.
Kitsap Children’s Musical Theater: Hands-free microphones for stage actors.
Kitsap Humane Society: Partial funding for the replacement of feline holding kennels for stray and surrendered cats.
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center: Computer equipment upgrades.
Kitsap Regional Library Foundation: Backpacks for the Third Grader Library Program on Bainbridge.
KidVantage: Children’s ‘safe sleep’ items such as cribs, fitted sheets and sleep sacks.
Kidzz Helping Kidzz: Materials to construct donation boxes for their holiday toy drive for children in local hospitals.
Leadership Kitsap Foundation: Office technology such as computers and monitors.
Marge Williams Center: Partial funding for re-painting their building’s interior.
Martha & Mary Health Services: A realistic manikin for nurse and ancillary staff training.
PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap: Cat condos and air purifiers for their Cattery on Bainbridge Island.
Peaceful Morning Farm: A storage shed for farm equipment and harvested produce bound for local food banks.
Peacock Family Services: HVAC system repairs and a shed for emergency supplies.
Sonoji Sakai Intermediate School PTO: Partial funding for the addition of pickleball/soccer-tennis courts for student and public use.
Teen Talking Circles: Two laptops and a printer.
The Place of Horses: Installation of new gravel in the paddocks.
Vitalize Kitsap: Computer hardware and software, and other program and facility items.
2023 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2023: Grants totaling $170,000 were awarded to the 34 organizations listed below:
Amabile Choir of Bainbridge: A season’s worth of choir concert music for their music library.
Assistance Dogs Northwest: Assistance dog training and agility equipment.
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network: Serger sewing machine.
Bainbridge Island Child Care Centers: Partial funding of outdoor lighting upgrades.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Large anti-glare blinds for the museum lobby.
Bainbridge Island Rowing: Partial funding of a coaching launch boat.
Bainbridge Island Saddle Club: Partial funding of restroom upgrades.
Bainbridge Island Water Polo Club: A mini-wireless water polo scoreboard.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: Partial funding of an Assistive Listening System at the new BPA Buxton Center.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation: Two “DipJar” wireless devices for receipt of credit card donations.
Bainbridge Youth Services: New computers.
Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: A large commercial grade all-purpose table.
Friends of Bainbridge Island High School Sailing: Partial funding of a double-handed sailboat.
Friends of the Farms: Partial funding of accessible pathways at the Morales Farm’s new tiny houses.
Helpline House: A large two-door freezer.
Housing Resources Board: Replacement heating/HVAC equipment at HRB housing.
Island Volunteer Caregivers: Computer equipment upgrades.
IslandWood: Field research equipment.
Kids Discovery Museum: Computer, monitor, and printer upgrades.
KidVantage: 60 car seats for babies and young children.
Kitsap Humane Society: Partial funding of an animal control vehicle.
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center: Office security cameras and sensors.
Knights Community Hospital Equipment Lend Program: One industrial steam cleaner.
Marge Williams Center: Partial funding of new roof solar panel upgrades.
North Kitsap Fishline: Partial funding of the front door replacement project at the food bank annex.
Odyssey Parent Teacher Organization: Partial funding of playground improvements planned at the Odyssey School.
Ovation! Musical Theatre Bainbridge: A music pedal and twelve music stands.
Peacock Family Services: Playground fencing and shade/rain coverings.
Scarlet Road: Partial funding of custom cabinetry for program supplies.
St. Vincent de Paul: Partial funding of computer equipment upgrades, furniture, flooring, and chairs at the Stella Maris Center.
Vitalize Kitsap: Program accessibility and sensory regulation equipment, and computer equipment upgrades.
West Sound Treatment Center: Two vocational training workstations.
YWCA of Kitsap County: Partial funding of a new roof at the YWCA Community Center, the hub of all their domestic violence programs and services.
2022 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2022: Grants totaling $86,590 were awarded to the 23 organizations listed below:
Assistance Dogs Northwest: Furniture, room dividers and equipment.
Bainbridge Chorale: Laptop computer and case.
Bainbridge Football Boosters: Mobile field treatment table and two canopies.
Bainbridge Island Child Care Centers: State-required fencing upgrades.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Three laptop computers.
Bainbridge Island Senior Community Center: Refurbished computers.
Bainbridge Island Theater Ensemble: Portable theater lighting.
Bainbridge Island Water Polo Club: Recording/editing hardware and software.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: Performance live streaming equipment.
Bainbridge Prepares: Partial funding of an emergency preparedness trailer.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Outdoor deck furnishings.
Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: Interior security camera system.
Early Life Speech & Language: Computer and software.
Eastside Baby Corner: 75 infant car seats.
First Years Children’s Center: Classroom interior upgrades.
Friends of BHS Sailing: Partial funding of two new Zim C420 boats.
Friends of the Farm: Outdoor shed and maintenance/gardening tools.
Housing Resources Bainbridge: Office computer, equipment and furniture.
Island Volunteer Caregivers: Office expansion and renovation.
Kitsap Humane Society: Surgery and Veterinary treatment equipment.
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center: Three laptop computers.
Kitsap Regional Library Foundation: Backpacks and books.
West Sound Chorus: Used stage projector.
2021 Rotary Community Grant Awards
In 2021, funds were diverted from our Community Grants Program to COVID-specific needs in the community.
2020 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2020: Grants totaling $90,874 were awarded to the 19 organizations listed below:
American Legion: New roof.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Video equipment, camera tablets, guide software.
Bainbridge Island Land Trust: Tires for maintenance truck.
Bainbridge Island School District 303: Commercial lawnmower.
Bainbridge Island Special Needs Foundation: Plastic totes, tables, and sensory items.
Bainbridge Wrestling Club: Wrestling mats.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Office signage and sound management equipment.
Boy Scout Troop 1496: Tailer and four canoes.
Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: On-site vegetable garden.
Eagle Harbor High School PSTO: Eight microscopes for science room.
Eastside Baby Center: Car seats.
Housing Resources Board: Two computers and updated phone system.
Kids Discovery Museum: Art Room and Office cabinetry and storage.
Kids in Concert: Instrument cases.
Kidzz Helping Kidzz: Toys for hospitalized children.
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center: Soundproofing panels, scanners, monitors and TV.
2019 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2019: Grants totaling $152,654 were awarded to the 27 organizations listed below:
Arts and Humanities Bainbridge: Computer and Currents Online support.
Bainbridge Chorale: Purchase vocal score of Brahms German Requiem.
Bainbridge Community Tennis Association: Benches for BHS tennis courts.
Bainbridge Island Child Care Centers: Covered play area for school-aged programs.
Bainbridge Island Land Trust: Utility trailer with magnetic locator and power equipment.
Bainbridge Island Little League: Path and landscaping around monument and batting cage.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park and Recreation District: Gymnastics pommel horse and parallel bar matting system.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park and Recreation District: Sailboats for Outdoor Program.
Bainbridge Island Rowing: MAAS double sculling shell.
Bainbridge Island School District 303: New tables and chairs for Library at Woodward School.
Bainbridge Island Senior Community Center: Bus wheelchair ramp and safety improvements.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: New lighting control system.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation: Custom-made marimba for Sakai band.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Chrome books, monitor, and printer.
Battle Point Astronomical Association: Childhood robotics and computer science curriculum.
Bloedel Reserve: 20,000-gallon water storage tank.
Boy Scout Troop 1565: New fiberglass canoes.
Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: Prep sinks for kitchen upgrade.
Friends of the Farms: Computer, software and printer.
Friends of Fort Ward: Banquet tables and chairs.
Helpline House: ADA building access ramp.
Housing Resources Board: iPad, moisture meter, infrared thermometer, borescope inspection cam, and thermo-hygrometers.
Island Time Activities: Computers, software, printer, locking file cabinet, and desk chair.
Kids Discovery Museum: Desks, computer and office improvements.
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center: Whiteboard, printer, large folding table, and roll-up sign.
Odyssey Parent Teacher Organization: Reading spaces furniture and reading loft materials.
PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap: Remodeling of Pleasant Beach adoption center pet area.
2018 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2018: Grants totaling $159,403 were awarded to the 36 organizations listed below:
Arts & Humanities Bainbridge: Office computer and printer.
Bainbridge Arts & Crafts: Mobile, rolling art panels.
Bainbridge Cheer Team Boosters: Tumbling mats and rolling cart.
Bainbridge Chorale: Performance attire and music binders.
Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce: Telephone and communication platform equipment.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: New computers and software.
Bainbridge Island Land Trust: GPS/GIS technology modernization.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Technology package for three locations.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Pace clock upgrade for the Aquatic Center.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Teen Program facility equipment: table tennis, air hockey table, and furniture.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Multisport adventure trailer.
Bainbridge Island School District 303: Floor cleaning scrubber.
Bainbridge Island Water Polo Club: Game caps, balls, ball bin, and weight belts.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation: Water distiller for science laboratory.
Bainbridge Special Needs Foundation: Furniture, games and computers.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Two Chromebooks.
BHS Instrumental Music Boosters: Band equipment: keyboard, speakers, percussion field rack, and mixer cart.
BI Masonic Center: Emergency shelter equipment – two defibrillators and push- button doors.
BI Senior Community Center: Visual presentation equipment: projector, long lens, screen, blackout blinds.
Bloedel Reserve: Truck with windshield and canopy.
Boy Scout Troop 1496: Utility trailer.
Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: Soundproofing at the BI club.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: Building exterior repainting.
Empact Northwest: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) and weatherproofed tablet.
Friends of the Farms: Restoration of Picker Cabin at Historic Suyematsu Farmstead.
Helpline House: Information technology.
Housing Resources Bainbridge: Updated computers for staff.
Kids Discovery Museum: Technology and safety upgrades.
Kids in Concert: New and used instruments.
Kitsap Humane Society: Surgical area lighting.
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center: TV, Blu-ray DVD player, folding chairs, two desktop scanners, two public access computers, and one printer.
North Kitsap Fishline: Generator for Healthy Foods Market and Comprehensive Services Center.
Olympic College Music Program: Tuba.
One Call for All: Laptop, desk, laser printer, and desktop check copier.
PAWS of Bainbridge and North Kitsap: Remodeling Cattery laundry room.
West Sound Technology Association: Computer equipment.
2017 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2017: Grants totaling $119,390 were awarded to the 35 organizations listed below:
Arts & Humanities Bainbridge: Office computer.
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network: Chairs for new BARN facility.
Bainbridge Arts & Crafts: Office printer/copier.
Bainbridge Chorale: Reusable concert signage.
Bainbridge Cooperative Nursery School: Replace the schoolhouse roof (partial funding).
Bainbridge Football Boosters: Therapeutic whirlpool for Athletic Training Department.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Large format printer.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Building a self-contained restroom at Gazzam Lake Preserve (partial funding).
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Balance beam for the Gymnastics Program (partial funding).
Bainbridge Island Parks Foundation: Auger/anchor system to construct boardwalks and bridges on Island trails (partial funding).
Bainbridge Island Rope Skippers: New uniforms, warm-ups and gear bags.
Bainbridge Island Special Needs Foundation: Household and technology equipment for daily living skills and recreation.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: Emergency Preparedness Equipment.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation: Equipment for Sakai’s daily Student Broadcast Program.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Projector and white board.
Coffee Oasis: Barista equipment for the new Kingston location.
EMPACT Northwest: 16 specialty urban rescue backpacks for new volunteer workforce.
Friends of BHS Sailing: Sailboat trailer.
Girl Scouts of Western Washington: Day Camp storage trailer (partial funding).
Harrison Medical Center Foundation: Equipment to connect EMS, Fire Department and hospitals to one health information exchange.
Horse Harbor Foundation: Replace gutters on arena building.
Island Neighbors: iPad and accessories, printer and projector for new office.
Island Time Activities: Used van for client activities (partial funding).
IslandWood: One set of trash/recycling/compost bins.
Kitsap Children’s Musical Theater: Spotlights for theater performances.
Kitsap County Coroner: Safe infant cribs for income-qualified families.
Kitsap Humane Society: Veterinary surgical equipment.
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center: TV, DVD player, canopy and projector for outreach efforts.
Kitsap Regional Library: iPad minis and cases for Bainbridge Island Summer Learning Program.
Kitsap Sexual Assault Center: Computer and printer for Bainbridge Island staff.
Marge Williams Center: Solarization and energy efficiency upgrades (partial funding).
Montessori Country School: Appliances for new Community Building.
Olympic Performance Group: Used dance floor.
PAWS of Bainbridge and North Kitsap: Disaster preparedness equipment.
West Sound Wildlife Shelter: Enclosure for education owl exhibits.
2016 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2016: Grants totaling $117,904 were awarded to the 30 organizations listed below.
Association of Bainbridge Communities: Waterfront trailhead improvements.
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network: Table saw and joining system.
Bainbridge Arts & Crafts: Public address system for the gallery spaces.
Bainbridge Chorale: Performance dresses, blouses and neckties.
Bainbridge High School: Chromebooks and a storage cart for ‘Mobile Career Exploration’ services.
Bainbridge High School: Equipment for a new ‘Student Store’.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Large format flat document and artifact scanning system.
Bainbridge Island Land Trust: Stewardship truck (partial funding).
Bainbridge Island Mountain Bike Club: Bike trailer, team race equipment, and support gear.
Bainbridge Island Water Polo Club: Shot clocks and controller for the new scoreboard.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: Assisted listening enhancements.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Donor database software.
Battle Point Astronomical Association: Educational materials for the BPAstro Kids Program.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Kiln for Eagledale Pottery Studio.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Self-contained restroom.
BI Senior Community Center: Storage shed for the Thrift Shop.
BI Special Needs Foundation: Technology and communications upgrades.
Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: Kitchen equipment.
Friends of BHS Sailing: Sailboat replacement.
Friends of the Farms: Enhancements for the Harvest Fair.
Helpline House: New food preparation sink and faucet for the Food Bank.
Horse Harbor Foundation: Renovation of existing paddock system.
Housing Resources Bainbridge: Bicycle parking shelter for Island Home East Apartment Complex.
Kids Discovery Museum: Solar Powered Teaching Water Table.
Kitsap Children’s Musical Theater: New microphones for performances.
Kitsap County Coroner: Safe infant cribs for low-income families.
Kitsap Humane Society: Pet Adoption Outreach Van (partial funding).
Marge Williams Center: Conference room technology and furniture upgrade.
North Kitsap Trails Association: A resting bench between Winslow and High School Road.
Olympic College Foundation: Field and lab equipment for the Yama Project.
2015 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2015: Grants totaling $123,245 were awarded to the 23 organizations listed below.
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network: Classroom teaching tools.
Bainbridge Cooperative Nursery School: Replace old windows with new energy-efficient windows.
Bainbridge High School Football Boosters: Athlete safety equipment.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Computers, monitors and software.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Diving board ladder for the Don Nakata pool.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: New lighting for the sign at Rotary Centennial Park.
Bainbridge Island Rowing: New motor for one of their safety launches, and anti-exposure suits for each coach.
Bainbridge Island Special Needs Foundation: iPads and a printer.
Bainbridge Island Swim Club Boosters: A new scoreboard at the Aquatic Center.
Bainbridge Island Water Polo Club: Variety of swim club equipment needs.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation: Support to the Robotics Program.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Desktop office computers and tablet.
The Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: Child-sized furniture (couches; tables; chairs).
EMPACT Northwest: Safety, communication and rescue equipment.
Friends of the Farms: Equipment for the Suyematsu Farm Historic Barn Restoration project.
Housing Resources Board: Expand the playground at Ferncliff Village.
Island Time Activities: iPads with special software, a printer and a laminator.
Kitsap Humane Society: New kitten housing units for the shelter’s lobby.
Lynwood Community Market: ‘Stump hops’ for the Schel Chelb Park/Playground.
Olympic College Foundation: Field and lab equipment for their 3-year archeological ‘Yama Project’.
Olympic Mountain Rescue: 13 new handheld radios for field communication.
OUT There Adventures: Sea kayak(s) and associated equipment.
PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap: New washer and dryer for the Cattery on Bainbridge Island.
Peacock Family Center: Upgrade their playground equipment.
2014 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2014: Grants totaling $127,960 were awarded to the 27 organizations listed below.
Bainbridge Arts and Humanities Council: Projector and sound system for use in their programs (and available to loan to other nonprofits as well).
Bainbridge Chorale: New office printer.
Bainbridge Cooperative Nursery School: Replace their ductless heating system.
Bainbridge High School: Downdraft sanding table for the vocational trades program.
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association: Holiday stars-and-scrolls lights.
Bainbridge Island Grange: Equipment to improve their theater stage.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Build and install a sign display grid at Rotary Centennial Park.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Two automatic door openers at the Aquatic Center.
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art: Equipment for their Education and Schools Programs.
Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestras: New musician chairs.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: Replace aging computers.
Bainbridge Public Library: Hearing loop system in their Community Room to improve listening clarity for individuals with hearing impairments.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation: Robotics equipment for four elementary schools.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Bookshelf and wide spectrum lights.
Battle Point Astronomical Association: Solar telescope.
BHS Instrumental Boosters: Replace their aging drum-line equipment.
Bloedel Reserve: Challenge grant to purchase a new pick-up truck.
Helpline House: Replace outdated computers.
Hope House: Replace the vinyl floor in their kitchen.
IslandWood: Beekeeping equipment for their Garden Classroom.
KiDiMu: Exhibits to help children learn about public safety and emergency preparedness.
Lynwood Community Market, in conjunction with BI Metro Parks & Recreation: Help equip a new playground at Schel Chelb Park.
Montessori Country School: Replace the flooring in classrooms at their elementary campus.
Smile Partners: New dental equipment and operatory improvements at their Senior Center dental clinic.
Sustainable Bainbridge: Radio production studio equipment.
Sustainable Bainbridge’s Student Conservation Corps: Tools and a canopy to be used when they eradicate invasive weeds in our parks.
West Sound Wildlife Shelter: Challenge grant to help purchase a rescue vehicle with an ambulance package.
2013 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2013: Grants totaling $96,114 were awarded to the 16 organizations listed below.
Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN): New maker space equipment.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Challenge grant to complete the restoration of the Hilltop Cabin.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Replace the carpet in the museum’s library with hardwood flooring.
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art: Audio-visual equipment.
Bainbridge Island Special Needs Foundation: Replace flooring at the Stephens House.
Bainbridge Roller Hockey League: Challenge grant to install a permanent fencing system around the roller hockey rink at Battle Point Park.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Office furniture and technology to improve access by youth to a BYS counselor.
The Boys & Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: Challenge grant to help purchase a 15-passenger mini-bus.
Friends of Bainbridge High School Sailing: New Flying Junior sailboat.
Friends of the Farms: New shed and barn upgrades at the Johnson Farm and Recreation Area.
Helpline House: Upgrades to their HVAC system.
Horse Harbor Foundation: Re-surface the riding arena and re-gravel the paddocks.
Island Music Guild: Purchase and install an electronic security system for their building.
Kitsap Children’s Musical Theater: Flooring for their rehearsal facility.
Kitsap Humane Society: Spay-neuter surgical instruments.
PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap: Cat enclosures for their new adoption facility at Pleasant Beach Village.
2012 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2012: Grants totaling $103,339 were awarded to the 20 organizations listed below.
American Legion: Matching funds to purchase a new furnace.
Arts and Humanities Bainbridge: New computer equipment to improve efficiencies and better support their mission.
Bainbridge Chorale: Performance attire for the Young Singers (grades 4 – 8).
Bainbridge Island Lacrosse: Weighted canopies for sheltering volunteers and scorekeepers, year-round, during games.
Bainbridge Island Land Trust: Help renovate Prue’s House on the Hilltop addition to the Grand Forest. The house will be available for community meetings, after-school programs and other activities.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: Equipment and improvements to their educational annex.
Bainbridge Public Library: Furnishings as part of an overall remodel of their Teen Study and Program Room.
Bainbridge Island Rowing: Coach’s safety launch to improve rower safety.
BI Child Care Centers: New outdoor climbing structure for their children’s center.
BI Farmers Market: Credit card processing terminal, to accept Electronic Benefits Cards from individuals on the nutrition assistance program.
BI Special Needs Foundation: Build an access ramp to the Stephens House.
Friends of Bainbridge High School Sailing: Critical fleet maintenance equipment and materials.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Pommel horse for their boys’ competitive gymnastics team.
Hope House of Bainbridge Island: Desktop computer, two laptops and a printer.
Housing Resources Board: Upgrade ten bathrooms at ‘Island Home’, an affordable apartment complex for low-income families.
Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers: Replacement parts for two computers.
Island Music Center: An audio-visual system.
Island Time Activities: A used mini-van to transport their clients to a variety of activities in the community.
KiDiMu: Sound system which incorporates the sounds of the community to their interactive permanent “Our Town” exhibit.
Ovation!: Portable dance floor for their rehearsal and classroom studio.
2011 Rotary Community Grant Awards
2011: Grants totaling $96,721 were awarded to the 17 organizations listed below.
Bainbridge Island High School: 2 lathes and a planer as part of a shop retrofit.
Bainbridge Island Arts and Humanities Council: Community communication board near Winslow Mall.
Bainbridge Island Grange: Refurbishing of bathrooms and stairway.
Bainbridge Island Little League: 3 public address systems at Strawberry Hill Park.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Balance beam equipment.
Bainbridge Island Metro Park & Recreation District: Trail/Park improvements.
Bainbridge Island Special Needs Foundation: Tables, chairs and a printer for Stephens House.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: Replacement of the south end lobby doors.
Helpline House: Paving upper parking lot.
Hope House of Bainbridge Island: Replace insulation and duct work.
Island Music Center: Replace old carpet.
Peacock Family Center: Upgrade to HVAC system.
Sakai and Commodore Schools: Purchase of defibrillators.
Sportsman’s Club: Replacement of front porch on building.
West Sound Wildlife Shelter: Video monitoring and web-streaming system for flight cage.
Woodward Middle School: Expansion of garden area near the greenhouse.