The Island has just hosted the famous Chilly Hilly. The 33-mile route is known for hills and for its winter weather. This is the 57th annual Chilly Hilly, hosted by Cascade Bicycle club.

More than 2000 riders cycled their way around the Island. Rotarians from our club served as traffic facilitators and guides. Many thanks to the 24 Rotarians who braved the cold and wind to assure the success of this iconic event. Bainbridge Prepares set up first aid at Battle Point park, and again Rotarians were among those volunteers.

Our Helping Hands committee, led by Dick Brown, is our “hands on” group. We volunteer to help at major civic events. This is service above self from the heart, not from the checkbook. Many thanks to all who braved the cold and wind to make this year’s Chilly Hilly a success!


Ann Marie Kimball