Youth Grants
Are you a youth with a great idea for a project that would help people?
Or help your school, the environment, a youth club, or a non-profit agency on Bainbridge Island? If all you need is just a little money to actually DO it, maybe we can help.
Who are we? We are your friends and neighbors. We’re the Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island, and we want to support young people who have developed projects they want to do to improve our local community.
We provide grants to youth who are ready to do something nice for their community or school. We grant as little as $50 or as much as $1,000 to make helpful ideas developed by youth a reality. AND you may have an opportunity to meet with us at a Rotary Club meeting to tell us about your project’s success once you’ve completed it.
The steps are simple:
- Complete a Youth Grant Application
- Email the completed application to Kelly Muldrow at:
- Discuss your project in a meeting with a Rotarian.
If your application is approved, you will receive your requested funding!
If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Muldrow, the Director of Rotary Youth Programs, at: