There is nothing more inspirational than the BI Rotary Club Literacy Program. In truth, it makes us as happy as the children we help.
Led by Rotarian Karen Howard, our Literacy program for children from Kindergarten through the 3rd Grade has over 50 volunteers. Working in concert with the Bainbridge Island School District, each week we deploy 24 of volunteers over four schools and provide over 44 hours in one day of mentorship, touching the lives of somewhere between 88 to 105 students. What an impact!
Over the course of the 13 week program we will provide 572 hours of volunteer mentor service to students.
Volunteers in the program include Rotarians, city personnel from both the Police and Fire Departments, and some of their staff, the City Manager and other city staff members, retired educators as well as many other retirees and at-home parents. Following School District guidelines and goals, classroom teachers work with the mentor, identifying those students who need the most help.
In order to become a Rotary Reader, each volunteer goes through a background check and training.
By Vince DiCarolis